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Find People!

Do you need to find someone? Perhaps you lost the phone number to a collegue, or want to locate a lost love or an old classmate? The reasons to need to find someone is endless.
Or do you just want to know more about someone?
National Database services offer:


  • Current data on anyone in the entire US
  • Up-to-date contact information and address history
  • Relatives, household members, and neighbors
  • Nationwide Criminal records, Police & Court records
  • Bankruptcies, liens, and judgments
  • Age and Date of Birth
  • Property and real estate records
  • Business ownership and professional listings
  • Comprehensive background Reports
  • Social media Check


Search and find out today!



Do you have a long-lost loved one whom you want to get in contact with? Most people have at least a distant relative, former partner, associate or even college roommate they’d like to  reach out to at some point in time. This is where National Database ( can help locate their whereabouts and contact details, regardless of how long it’s been since you talked to them.

Phone numbers are published by local phone companies, and even some cell phone number directories can lead you to mobile numbers registered under the name you’re searching. Addresses and email addresses are frequently used in public directories and even social network profiles. You can even locate someone’s DOB and their relatives and associates based on several public records with a people search online.

The exponential growth of users of social networking sites has allowed even easier people search efforts, where links to profile pages provide photos and contact information of the long-lost loved one. A wide variety of social networking sites, ranging from personal to professional and even trade-specific sites, now make an easier job of finding someone online.

There are several reasons why a people search with National Database ( can prove to be more fruitful than a personal search. has access to millions of public records from across the country, so you don’t even have to know where the person has lived in the past to potentially find their information. Name changes in the event of marriage or other major life event can result in dead ends during a personal search, where National Database’s search engine can help connect the dots using a variety of public records. These records contain such information as address history, known phone numbers and email addresses, civil records such as marriages and divorces, and even business ownership records.